With A COURSE FOR ADVENTURE I'm setting out with my children to look for interesting and fun resources about the world around us.
Originally I planned to pick a new country every one or two weeks and share books and recipes and other Web resources that highlight each country. Then I started thinking about Chicken-Fried Steaks. If you are like me and grew up in Kansas you can picture this dish with a thick and peppery gravy. It seems to be the quintessential Kansas dinner. So before venturing to all parts yet unseen by my family (like Turkey, I really want to travel to Turkey) I want to focus on food stuff and stories of all 50 states. That's where you can help! Leave me comments on recipes and stories that highlight your state!
The goal is for my daughters to learn more about America while encouraging reading with books featuring unique American places and also jazzing up family meal time with fast, family-friendly recipes. Think of this site as your passport to inspired family meals and learning resources.
Thanks for your time and know you're always welcome here!